Monday, October 12, 2009

Jacobson, F.F. "Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Using Computers in Libraries: An Exploratory Study"

This was an assignment for a youth and new media class.

From 1988-89, Frances F. Jacobson conducted a study examining gender differences in computer anxiety and library anxiety among secondary school students. Jacobson is a Librarian at University Laboratory High School and a Professor of Library Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Jacobson noted in her lit review that previous to her study there was significant discussion of the gender gap in computer anxiety, both among students and in society at large. These studies routinely found that women had more computer anxiety and a greater degree of negativity towards computers and technology than men did. She noted that the library literature was beginning to examine the relationship between gender and computer use in libraries, but largely as related to library staff. Jacobson also examined a recent study on library anxiety, noting that gender was not specifically examined as a factor in the study.

Jacobson identified gaps in the research that can be summed up as follows:

  1. What happens when computers (a cause of techno anxiety) are introduced into libraries (not a place of techno anxiety, but of research anxiety)?
  2. Is library anxiety gender based?
  3. What is the relationship between library anxiety and computer anxiety?
  4. What are the implications for libraries?
  5. What can be done to deal with these anxieties?
Jacobson designed and conducted a study for 1988-89 academic year at a laboratory school for the academically gifted which is associated with the University of Illinois. The participants were high school seniors who were taking on their first major research project in the library - a year long formal debate project. For this they had access to the U of I's 7,000,000 volume library, their school library, periodicals and indexes on CD-ROM and online searching through Dialog. These students had taken a one semester computer literacy course during their freshman year and had access to the school computer lab. The 49 students were divided into 11 teams of 4-5 students each and had to submit their debate research periodically through the year, including citations. At the commencement of the project 98% of the students (all but one) had previously used an online library catalogue.

The study was quasi-experimental, consisting of a pre-test attitude survey, classroom instruction on online searching, then a post-test to measure the changes in computer and library interest and anxiety. The attitude survey was 16 items divided into four equal categories;

  1. Library Anxiety
  2. Computer Anxiety
  3. Using Computers for Library Research Anxiety
  4. Interest in Using Computers for Library Research
The sixteen items were rated on a Likert scale by the participants. In the pre-test the participants also supplied age and sex and answered questions about their proficiency with the online catalog, online searching and CD-ROM periodical indexes. On the post-test, the participants were asked about their satisfaction with online searching.

The study showed that in both the pre- and post-tests females felt more anxiety about using computers, and using computers in libraries, while males felt more anxiety about using libraries in general. Both males and females felt less anxious in the post-test than they had in the pre-test about using computers and using libraries. Jacobson reported that libraries were "friendlier" for the females, while computers were "friendlier" for the males, which was consistent with the studies discussed in the lit review.

Females felt slightly more anxious about using computers in libraries in the post-test than they did in the pre-test, however Jacobson deemed this not statistically significant. Strangely, Jacobson notes in the text that the apparent decline in interest in using computers among the female participants from the pre-test to the post-test was not statistically significant, but according to Chart II, that decline was much larger than her stated significance level of .05. This inconsistency makes the rest of the results and the methodology itself suspect, if it is indeed an inconsistency, and not a misprint. If this drastic drop in interest from the pre-test to the post-test was real, then it brings up an interesting idea that Jacobson ignores in declaring it not statistically significant - that the seminars in computer usage in the library were responsible for that decline. That idea would go directly to the questions Jacobson asked at the beginning of the article, yet she chose to ignore it.

Jacobson concluded that comfort with computers in libraries did not lessen the general library anxiety of the males and suggested further examination of that relationship. She also noted that while females' computer anxiety decline, their anxiety with using computers in libraries did not. Jacobson suggests that the negative feeling towards computers may have spilled over to the library, which the females generally considered friendly. Jacobson concluded that employing quantitatively difference computer instruction for females could be the answer to the problem, suggesting small group learning instead of individual learning.

I would have liked more information about the types of computers used in the study, as it makes a huge difference if they were using computers running DOS OS with command line interfaces or early Macs or Windows systems. I think that GUIs decreased the level of anxiety that was engendered by the command prompt. The lack of information about the type of computers used was one of the key problems that I had with the article. I felt that Jacobson made no allowance for the possibility that boys are often more confident than girls about their skills, regardless actual ability. Jacobson also did not acknowledge the group dynamics of a small class that presumably spends a lot of time together and has for years. All these things would have an effect on the study.

All in all, I feel like Jacobson found what she expected to find, with the exception of the decrease in interest in the post-test for females, which she declared not significant, further suggesting that she found what she expected to find because she ignored that which she did not expect.


  1. Jacobson's research provides a look at how boys and girls react to research on computer in libraries. She points out that there are differences in how the sexes react to the technology, girls being less comfortable than boys with the computer but the reverse being trues for library usage. The paper written in 1991 probably covered the situation accurately at the time.

    I agree with Laura it would have been better if the type of computer program in use had been specified. It is not possible to get a true picture of how complex searching might have been without this information. The fact that boys were already using computers for games and this made them more familiar with the concepts employed also has a bearing on the results. Another factor was the feeling that boys do better in mathematics and science subjects which includes computer science.

    In recent years there has been much written and spoken about the way girls do not do well in mathematics and sciences. I believe that there has been a reversal in this point of view since a report written by Dr.Chris Spence Director of the TDSB has suggested that boys are not doing well in classes with girls and there should a separation of the sexes so that this can be addressed. Strange isn't it that it only takes a few years of bad figures for boys results to make people take notice and try to remedy the situation.(Toronto District School Board, Director Forum, October 20, 2009)

  2. I found this to be an interesting study, although girls are becoming more involved in the sciences and computer sciences nowadays. I agree with Laura that the author should have considered possibilities such as boys being more confident in their abilities than girls to explain computer anxiety. Perhaps the anxiety does not come from actual computer usage, but other factors such as social beliefs and individual personality traits.

    I have a math background and at least half (if not more than half) of my class consisted of girls. I've taken computer science courses and I've never been under the impression that girls experience computer anxiety; if anything, we are just as comfortable with and good at using computers as guys. More girls are going into the maths and sciences, and I'd be interested in whether recent studies have shown that this trend in computer anxiety among girls still exists.

  3. Hi Laura,

    I agree that discluding statistical figures make the article a little suspect. As well, it would have been interesting to know the types of computer programming they were using. I do think it would be interesting if a similar study were done today. Would we still expect girls to be more anxious than boys? And what about they're comfort in using computers in the library? Laura raises a good point that they anxiety may have been caused by other reasons, and those anxieties may still exist today.

  4. Hi!

    We heard so many stereotypes similar to this! Like Lor said, many people assumes girls are not good in Math, or guys refuses to ask for directions when they are lost. Since I was a little girl, people kept telling me it was fine that I was not good in Math because most girl weren't. Girls are better in language than boys. Furthermore, a friend of mine told me I did not need to worry about my grade 11th computer class since I was a girl. It did relieve me back then but now I just think that those comments or actions perpetuate the stereotypes.
    Perhaps if so many people have anxiety over asking question it is partly because they do not know they can ask questions, others think librarians will find them stupid or others can be intimidated because the librarians or desk clerks seems unfriendly.

    I do agree with Pat and Laura, it would have been good to know what kind of program was used for the study!
