Sunday, November 8, 2009

The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy is a gorgeous, melancholy piece of storytelling. Rahel and Estha, two egg twins who have been separated for twenty years meet again, still trying to cope with the events surrounding the death of their English cousin, Sophie Mol, while visiting them in 1968. Roy invokes a sense of place and atmosphere that has rarely been equalled in my reading. The characters are beautifully fleshed out and complicated in the most extraordinary way. There are no happy endings here, except for the reader who gets to visit this incredible story. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, just stumbled across your blog while doing term-end wrap up, and felt the need to comment, just to be prickly.

    I hate this book! I work at a bookstore and when someone tries to buy it I knock it out of their hand. I agree that the 'vibe' of the time and place were well done, but I hated every character so much, and found every memory so over-wrought.

    Was it the Booker this one won? Can't trust those guys! But actually, this year's winner, Wolf Hall, RULEZZZZZ and you must read it, oh fan of books!
