Friday, March 12, 2010


Check out Information Access: Commons, Control, Controversy (IA3C), the 2nd Annual U of T iSchool Student Conference!

Day One: Friday, March 19th

9.00 – 9.30 Registration (Bissell Building, 7th floor lobby) and coffee * sponsored by the Hart House Good Ideas Fund

9.30 – 10.00 Welcome from conference organizers and Dean Seamus Ross

10.00 – 11.15 Panel One


Brad Koegler (Toronto) – Babel 2.0: Delving the Linguistic Digital Divide

Glen Farrelly (Toronto) – Access Denied: Barriers to Adoption and Implementation of Web Accessibility

Marc-Andre Bernier (McGill) – Unequal Access: Sign Languages and Information

11.15-11.35 Coffee Break *Sponsored by the Toronto Association of Law Librarians

11.35 – 12.30 Panel Two


Rebecka Sheffield (Toronto) – “There’s a Gay Archives?”: Outreach and Advocacy at the Canadian Gay & Lesbian Archives

Mark Gelsomino (Toronto) – The Zapatista Effect: ICT Activism and Marginalised Communities

12.30 – 1.45 Lunch Break

1.45- 3.00 Panel Three


Erin Anderson and Jennifer Andreae (Toronto) – Re-conceptualizing Access: The New Role of Information Literacy in Post-Secondary Education

Eugenia Kim (Albany) – A Multipurpose System: the Development of the University at
Albany Library Systems Wiki

Jamon Camisso (Toronto) – Embedding Metadata: Exploring Material and Digital Proximity via RFID

3.00-3.30 Coffee Break *Sponsored by the Librarians Without Borders Student Committee

3.30 – 5.30 Keynote Address (Innis Town Hall)

Dr. Joseph Janes,

University of Washington

Day Two: Saturday, March 20th

10.00 – 10.30 Registration and Coffee *Sponsored by the Museum Studies Graduate Students’ Association (MSGSA)

10.30 – 11.45 Panel Four


Judith Cooperman (Toronto) – “A Clutch of Dreamers”: The Small Canadian Press in Canada’s Libraries

Marta Chudolinska (Toronto) – Information Access to Zine Libraries and Archives

Lucy Bungo (Albany) – Interlibrary Loan is Not Dead Yet (In Fact, It Feels Happy and Thinks It Will Go for a Walk)

11:45 – 12.00 Coffee Break *Sponsored by the Special Libraries Association

12.00 – 12.45 Panel Five


Amanda LeClerc (Toronto) – Accessing Inspiration

Marie-Eve Belanger (Toronto) – Annotation as scholarly primitive: traces of information access

12.45 – 1.45 Lunch Break

1.45 – 3.00 Panel Six


Valentine Moreno (Toronto) – The 28th Sao Paulo Biennial and the case of the empty second floor

Anna Dysert (McGill) – A Comparative History of Access: Models of Public Service and Custodial-based Archives

Ryan Nelson (McGill) – Defining the intellectual commons and public domain

3.00 – 3.30 Coffee Break * Sponsored by the CLA Student Chapter

3.30 – 5.30 Roundtable (Innis Town Hall)

Approaches to Access: Taking Stock of the Information Landscape

Moderator: Wendy Duff

5.30 – 7.00 Wine and Cheese (Innis CafĂ©)

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